On the Go: Blue Flamingos

What I love about our time is that it was never easier to get exciting things from all over the world to your place. A dress from the US, shoes from China and images from all corners on Instagram.

And yet, despite beautiful clothing that became available most people dress not to impress but because it is „ohhh so practical“. Especially when not required to meet office standards it gets pretty dire off hours.

If you combine off hours with holidays especially at the coast you’ll get hordes of people that look like you could drop them off into the wilderness (or at least the next hiking path). Coastal places like Borkum – which is actually an island, boast about their habitats for seals or other wildlife. But they also seem to be natural hotspots for the fleece jacket. Not just during the day, they also dominate in the evening.

What happened to changing into something more sophisticated or at least a whiff more special in the evening for going out?

Ohhhh – and I do love flamingos. Even in blue!

tea dress: Blue Flamingo Border by LadyV London, or Succubus
bolero: eBay, 2015
denim jacket: self cropped hy H+M, 2016
wedges: BonPrix
sunnies: no name, 2015
50s headband hat + scarf lining the bag: vintage
basket: Sun Jellies in Pink by Succubus

Sailor Look – Fall edition

Marine Looks sind ein Dauerbrenner im Sommer. Eigentlich jeden Sommer. Nun ist der Sommer vorbei. Es ist Herbst. Und ich bin an der Nordsee. Genauer auf Borkum. Lange Strände. Hochseeklima.
Navy outfits somehow make it back each and every summer.But summer is over. Fall or Autumn is here. And I am by the North Sea. On the island of Borkum to be precise. Long beaches. Climate of the open sea. 


Diesen Sommer gab es von mir für die French Curves einen Marine Look und dann auch einen weiteren, etwas lässigeren für DIY your Closet. Im Herbst gibt es das Ganze etwas besser verpackt. Ein Zwiebellook im 50s Style.
This summer I created for the French Curves a Sailor Look and another more casual one for DIY your Closet. Now was it is colder it is a bit more wrapped up. A bit like an onion in a 50s style.misskittenheel-vintage-plussize-dolly-dotty-tartan-anna-stewart-navy-marine-autumn-02

Schuhe, Halstuch und Tasche gab es auch schon bei den Marine Looks im Sommer zu sehen.
Shoes, scarf and bag have been used as accessories for the navy summer styles.

Das rote Tuch musste zuhause bleiben.
The red scarf stayed at home.
MissKittenheel vintage plussize French Curves May 2016 Marinere Navy Marine 08

Lässig für Boot und Strand.
Comfy for beach and boat.

Eine alte Brosche mit einer Jolle.
A vintage brooch with a 1950s sailing boat.

Zeit und Ort für die Baskenmütze.
Time and place to get the beret out again.misskittenheel-vintage-plussize-dolly-dotty-tartan-anna-stewart-navy-marine-autumn-05

Es wurde frisch – da habe ich den zweiten Schal und die Stiefel angezogen.
It was a bit nippy, so I put on the second scarf and the boots.

Wo sind die Seehunde?
Watching for seals.
dress: Annie Retro Swing in Red Tartan by Dolly&Dotty (sponsored in January)
cardigan: Boden clothing, winter 2014/2015
jeans/ denim jacket: H&M (sold out), spring 2016
gloves, square scarf, binoculars, brooch: vintage
red canvas bag: Dolly&Dotty
beret, blue dotted scarf: no name
canvas shoes: Deichmann
boots: Ted and Muffy

Noch ein paar Eindrücke vom Strand
Some impressions from the beach
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French Curves: Poolside et Playsuit

L’été et le swimming pool (ou la piscine/ plage/ lac/ fleuve) sont une combinaison extra. Quand le soleil brille dur, la chaleur danse sur l’asphalt baigner (ou même nager) est pour moi à meilleure chose pour se fraîchir. Dehors le pool je préfère de rester sur l’ombre.
Summer and pools are always a good idea – even if the pool is the beach, by the lake, a river or a lido. When the sun shines mercilessly and the heat danses on the tarmac I love to go for a dip (or even swimming) to cool me down. Outside the pool I prefer to stay in the shade.
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Voilà mon maillot de bain traditionnel. L’année avant j’ai trouvé une très jolie et rétro robe de bain. Super-chouette dehors l’eau. Mouillé comme un sac. Pas bien dans le courant. Et si on quitte l’eau – ce n’est pas „drip-drip“ mais une petite deluge.
This is my much loved traditional bathing suit. Last year I found a very pretty and retro bathing dress. Super cute outside the water. Wet like a sack. Not good in currants either. And when I leave the water it don’t just dribble the amount of water looks more like beaching a whale.

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misskittenheel frenchcurves pool side maillot swim lake beach lido 01

Le playsuit est de LindyBop. Croyez- moi, j’ai eu peur quand j’ai porté ça la semaine dernièrepour aller à la piscine. Par le bus! Mais enfants n’ont pas commencé de pleurer, les teenies n’ont pas riet j’ai même entendu un „hello sexy“. La blouse est pour nouer. Ça me plaît pas à moi et avec 4 épingles de nourrice c’est un crop top ajustée.
The playsuit is from LindyBop. I was a bit scared when I ventured out with it to the pool. I went by bus. But small children didn’t cry, teenies didn’t laugh and I even got a „hello sexy“. The top is meant to be knotted. Didn’t like that look on me and with 4 friendly safety pins it is now a fitted crop top.
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misskittenheel frenchcurves pool side lindybop hawaii playsuit 02

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maillot/ bathing suit: Anne Harvey via House of Fraser, ca. 2012/2013
playsuit: LindyBop
parero: Primark, ca. 2014/ 2015
lunettes/ sunglasses: Sundance by DM
Fascinator: Alternate Normality (sold out) – similar style here with melons or summerfruits
sac/ beach bag: Aldi, ca. 2014

Le French Curves est créé par Gaëlle Prudenico et réunit chaque 16 du mois des dizaines de blogueuses curvy francophones. La mission: composer une tenue autour d’un thème commun, dans nos style individuels. Le challenge embrace la diversité que nous avons, nos morphologies et des tailles de confections différentes!
The French Curves were created by Gaëlle Prudenico. Each month dozens of curvy French speaking bloggers take part in the challenge. The mission: to create an outfit around a shared theme, in our own styles. This challenge celebrates the diversity we have, our different body types and sizes.