It is once more the 16th of the month and time for the French Curves Fashion Challenge. After a weekend in the (very green) middle of nowhere in Wales. At 18C. With soft rain. This challenge feels a little odd. I already had a taste of autumn. My outfit however is for a trip to the pool or beach.
My mother doesn’t like it when I wear shorts. For her I created the second look – from the beach to the restaurant. The green of the playsuit looks ace with last years swimming costume.
This summer I started to wear shorts outside. And what can I say? Small children didn’t cry in terror. As far as I can tell I caused to accidents in the streets. Most people just didn’t care. The world didn’t stop turning. Don’t let your fear win!
Je suis une sirène! I am a Mermaid!
combi short/ playsuit: MyPepita, 2018 (now on sale – bought with a blogger reduction)
jupe / skirt: Peggy in black by LindyBop, 2018
chapeau rouge / red hat: Hüte von Hand, 2017
canotier / boater: Angleterre / England, ca 1990
chaussures / wedges: BonPrix, 2017
sac / bag: Primark, 2017
bamboo bracelets: via Etsy, 2018
lunettes / sunnies: no name, ca. 2013
Le French Curves est créé par Gaëlle Prudenico et réunit chaque 16 du mois des dizaines de blogueuses curvy francophones. La mission: composer une tenue autour d’un thème commun, dans nos style individuels. Le challenge embrace la diversité que nous avons, nos morphologies et des tailles de confections différentes. Regarde les autres contributions!
The French Curves were created by Gaëlle Prudenico. Each month dozens of curvy French speaking bloggers take part in the challenge. The mission: to create an outfit around a shared theme, in our own styles. This challenge celebrates the diversity we have, our different body types and sizes. Check out the other posts!