This article is in English – there is a short synopsis in German at the end.
Es gibt am Ende einen kurze deutsche Zusammenfassung, der Artikel selber ist auf Englisch.
Apart from a few things and groups I am affiliated with is the Plus40Fabulous group. There is a monthly theme and though I am late I am not too late for my contribution.
So what am I proud of?
There is the obvious thing on this blog – I am proud to be Miss Kittenheel. It is fun and I hope to inspire others to live the way they want it. Give a fig on what the others say. If you want retro – wear it, no matter what your size is. Yes, ridicule can sting but the feeling like you are outside, pressing your nose to the glass while there is a ball going on inside hurts too. It can cripple your soul. Do what makes you happy, what feels right for you! It took me quite a while to cmome to terms that over the years I became first a fat teenage girl and then as a woman the fat remained. Give or take a few diets which made everything worse in the long run.
not exactly happy about my weight but at ease with my body – that took ages!
I am a landscape architect. I have worked in two countries in my profession. It fills me with silly pride that I can touch the things I imagined. On my mothers side I am the first female with academic training and on my fathers side the first female with a degree in engineering, because that is the title I achieved. My job is diverse and chellenging. Of course there are downsides and I am not excited every day about it – but I wouldn’t be real otherwise.
first completed project – a courtyard in Manchester/UK with Ulli B.
Fountain at Burgplatz, Essen/Germany
I was raised to be proud to be a European first, before that nationalistic bollocks. These days I am not so proud of my Europe – but I am a stubborn creature and that is not something I let go off easily. So, the third (big) thing I am proud o is being a part time politican with a mandate on my local council. Getting there was a few years hard work and I nearly missed out (as it is politics after all). You can’t have politics without meddling and scheming. You got to have the stomach for that. And persistence. And to boldly go where you know you are not welcome. Where they don’t reserve a seat for you (and saw off the legs under the chair you are sitting on). I met a lot of people who struggled with that. You have to make a lot of compromises. But at some point you also got to draw a line or you loose being yourself.
All in grey (apart from the still pinkish hair) – outfit for the council session in March 2016
Currently, for almost a year I am an independent member in my local council. I have left the party I got elected for. I am not proud of that. Had I the chance to turn back time I would do the very same thing again though. Sometimes life isn’t pretty. I started Miss Kittenheel for that. To have something where I am my own boss and just to my bidding. A happy place.
Snapshot at a local CSD in 2014 where I campainged for alterntive lifestyles (and didn’t tell people in my party I was in a relationship with a guy from another party – what a joke! They would have had fewer issues if I was queer than involved wirh someone from another liberal party)
I started my life in politics with a back then new party who sadly started to desintegreate. A lot of what was important for me was lost out of sight. I try to carry some of that with me to my new political home. Civil rights, freedom and social issues are still very important. I started in a party that claimed to be post gender but the last year and recent developments made me realise we still need feminism, maybe more than five years ago.
many shades of grey – outfit for the council session in March 20
Vintage persian lamb and my „circus“ brooch – the dancing seal – which I think is quite fitting for politics. Sometimes you got to smile when you just want to puke.
I won’t burn my bra though but I do burn for equal chances. For a world (and my country) that give my god children the chances I got. For a society where people marry for love and not for provision. For a world where no means no. For a society where you can be whatever you want to be, without fear or persecution (as long as you don’t want to cut back the rights of others because they effing offend you).
Outfit for the council session in March 2016 – a day of theatrics from all sides. Unfortunately a day that does not endear us, the entitiy of „politicans“, to the voters.
dress: shift dress by Linea, House of Fraser
persiam lamb collar and seal brooch: vintage
shoes: Deichmann, ca. 2014
shirt: H+M. ca. 2012/ 2013
tights: H+M or C&A
Ich bin stolz auch meine drei Leben – ich arbeite als Landschaftsarchitektin und es ist schön die Dinge, die man sich ausgedacht hat anfassen zu können. Ich bin stolz auf Miss Kittenheel – denn ich hoffe so kann ich mehr Menschen erreichen, dass sie so leben, wie es sich für sie richtig anfühlt. Das mit dem Vorbild. Ein schöner, glücklicher Ort. Und ich bin stolz darauf in der (Lokal-) Politik mitzumachen. Gut, dass ist nicht immer so und manchmal fällt man auch unschöne Entscheidungen (immerhin bin ich seit knapp einem Jahr parteilos), aber manches ist notwendig. Für sich selber. In der Politik haben nicht immer alle darauf gewartet das man mitmachen will. Aber das trifft auch für das ganze übrige Leben zu. Und ja, ich bin Feministin – ich meine nicht das wir bessere Menschen als Männer sind. Allerdings ist das mit der Chancengleichheit immer noch unheimlich wichtig. Und das wir das bewahren und hüten ist vielleicht heute wieder wichtiger als noch vor zwei oder drei Jahren.
Almost blonde again! Fast wieder blond!
Check out the other lovely bloggers writing about what makes them proud:
Nikki :