„Santa Baby, just slip a sable some bling under the tree, For me…Been an awful good girl…“
Today opens the Christmas market in town. The town centre is now full of little huts selling trinkets, artisanal stuff and lots of food – some is even pretty good! An entire alley (Glühweingasse!) is turned in to a mulled wine bar. Which is also the predominant drink you can get in town these days. You can drink in on an old school merry-go-round, in a giant Christmas pyramid and in front of dozens of huts. We even have a flying Santa Show!
About time to get some things matching the madness! Let me start with this – no matter how ironic you wear them, I am not really fond of Christmas sweaters. Even if you get a free Colin Firth with them. Especially the creepy ehm… humorous kind. However, I love a bit of Christmas Kitsch.
Novelty brooches, charm bracelets, silly earings and hats or fascinators are all fine with me. Fine enough to share a few of my finds (keep in mind shipping can take longer these days – AND don’t forget you might have to pay customs for some stuff!). So here you’ll find some vintage, some cheap high street stuff and a bit from Etsy – have fun! I am sooooo tempted to get the „Merry Christmas“ necklace. Would be my first one!

Charming Fascinator by Frollein von Sofa
Frollein von Sofa makes delightful and fun little hats. So far only admired her work from afar. Guess some point next year that’ll change!
And this here is my personal bling for the season – the little sleigh brooch is vintage (another Ebay find). Got the charm bracelet 10 years ago (time flies!) as well as the earrings – it was from the States, where a nice lady was confused why she got all these orders from abroad, until I told her she made it into a German fashion magazine…