DIY your Closet goes Oktoberfest Craze – Hell Bunny Fascinator

Es ist wieder einmal der zweite Sonntag im Monat und damit auch wieder Zeit für DIY your Closet. Da bald in München (und an allen möglichen andern Orten) das Oktoberfest wieder losgeht, habe ich meine eigene „Okotberfest Craze“ Reihe um einen selbstgemachten Fascinator … Weiterlesen

Oktoberfest Craze – es muss nicht immer Dirndl sein

No English version for this one – it is about the traditional style without the stereotypical Dirndl. Für das Alpenwelt-Magazin hab eich neulich mit ein paar anderen Bloggerinnen einige Tipps zum Thema Plus Size Trachtenmode – Dirndl für alle Figurtypen! … Weiterlesen

Oktoberfest Craze: Dolly&Dotty in Tartan meets Trachten

When Dolly and Dotty approached me to feature one of their dresses I was very excited. They are a vintage reprodutction brand and my style is vintage and due to my size reproduction for anything apart from accessories. It was … Weiterlesen

Oktoberfest Craze: Dirndl No.4

It is Mid October and my very own Oktoberfest was last weekend. It was Bochum’s first and for our group also our last. The tent was on the small side. A different layout than shown on the booking site. The … Weiterlesen

Oktoberfest Craze: Kirmes – Fun at the Fair

For me the Oktoberfest marks the beginning of Autumn and the autumnal fairs. Still pretty big events in most places I know. I work in Krefeld where they have the Sprödentalkirmes. As fairs go it is nice and family oriented. … Weiterlesen

Oktoberfest Craze: Dirndl Love with LindyBop

This is something for Dirndl Love – Ophelia by LindyBop has the perks of a Dirndl but doesn’t feel as much fancy dress when you are not from Bavaria. Apart from that it is an ace vintage look. Super femine. Awesome … Weiterlesen

Oktoberfest Craze – Heimat Kitsch

Just a quick one. it is autumn. my favorite time of year. Another post about traditional style with a twist. still waiting for my new dirndl, sigh. This is what I wore. A blouse from Boden with iconic sausage dogs, … Weiterlesen

ü30 Blogger + Friends: Sommerfrüchte (meets Dirndl)

Time to join the ladies from the ü30 blogger network for this month’s theme „Summer Fruit“ – although September is usually Dirndl time for me. Though both themes work pretty well together. Es ist Zeit sich den Ladies der ü30 Bloggerinnen (und Friends) anzuschliessen – Thema … Weiterlesen